Tuesday 11 February 2014

Facebook's Path to Social Media Tycoon

Social media tycoon

On 4 February 2004, Facebook went online for the first time. Since then, much has happened: There was tremendous user growth, new services, acquisitions and alliances, but also a lot of controversy and Scandals. BrandCrux will take you through the journey of the largest social media network, and let you know how it has developed over the last ten years.

Patience was never being the strength of Mark Zuckerberg: On 4 February 2004, he launched The Facebook and from then on it went with the former student network rapidly onwards. Back in December the same year, The Facebook had a million members, a few months later the company had a value of $100 million. In the autumn of 2006 Facebook opened to all Internet users, there was no holding back. There was a very minor gab between each and every milestone after Facebook launched in English version, the platform was upgraded with an instant messaging feature, a little later Facebook launched its first mobile app on the market.

An Impressive Record
Undeterred by minor setbacks, Facebook continues to its run of success. The social network currently has 1.23 billion registered users who have shared more than 400 billion photos since October 2005. Each user makes per day on average five "likes", some of which will go to the 25 million small businesses that have already created a fan page. But Facebook is not satisfied with these figures: Currently 6,337 employees worldwide feel to worry about making the social network more attractive. Facebook has a very high hope with it new app named as ‘Paper’. The app is digital newspaper that combines contributions in the news feed of Facebook users with journalistic content from different themed areas. User of the News App can adjust the mix of their interests, share exciting articles and post their own messages, photos and videos.

has showed loyalty to its users by creating a look back video for all. The video contains short glimpses of their memories with this social media tycoon. Brand Crux the world leading apps & game development congratulates Facebook for achieving this mile stone and appreciates its effort to keep the people socially connected worldwide.

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