Wednesday 19 February 2014

Key Features of Net Beans 7.4 Official Version

brand crux blog

Net Beans is a free environment development and an open source platform, previously 7.4 is the official version available for download. This version allows a wide range of development technologies for desktop computing, web applications and mobile applications. The version supports various technologies like Java, PHP, Groovy, C++ and HTML5. The version can be installed on multiple operating systems: Windows, Linux and Mac.

Key Features

It has simplified management system for large and complex projects that helps wizards, visualization and structuring an orderly manner, helping in our everyday work. Once you get into a Java class, for instance, it will show different windows with the code, its location, methods and properties (in alphabetical order), there is also a view that represents your existing class hierarchies and many other options that are customizable according to your preferences.


Tools for debugging errors: including the debugger IDE is very useful to find where things fail. You can set breakpoints in the code line that creates interest, real time monitoring of property values ​​and variables. This allows step by step and one go method execution. You can even use the debugger hot, connecting to it when you have a process running.


Code optimization: Meanwhile the Profiler helps you to optimize your applications and attempt to make it run faster and with minimal memory usage. You can also configure it to your liking, although by default it offers enough useful options. The important thing is that you can see the behavior of the application and get informed about how few objects are created, you will also get snapshots of the state of the system at different times where you can also compare them.

Access database: From the Net Beans itself, you can connect to the different management system database, such as Oracle, MySql and others, view tables, queries, modifications, and all blending into the IDE.

Net Beans Integrates with various application servers, so that you can manage them from IDE: start, stop, start in debug mode deployments. Among others we use Apache Tomcat, Glassfish, JBoss, Web Logic, Sail fin and Sun Java System Application Server. It is easily extensible through plugins.

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